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Everything posted by Mostlylost

  1. Bonds are like stocks. They are a risk investment. Bond holders are not protected from companies going bankrupt by any govertment agency in any country that I am aware of. Mexico's version of the FDIC which is IBAP protects most banks same as FDIC does in the USA.
  2. In any case negotiating on line for something you have never seen with a person you do not know is a total waste of time. The OP gave a number to call...... that would be the first step
  3. That would be in violation of the law. Their posted prices should have the IVA included. Are you sure the register ticket wasn't just itemizing the IVA that was included in the prices?
  4. Amazon, Facebook, etc. have reputations for being very careless with customer/users information. Order from TEMU on their website, Pay using Paypal, or use your credit card's electronic one time card for on-line purchases, and you are as safe as any other online website.
  5. There are two methods of paying for tolls with Pase. Pre-pay where you load money in advance or post-pay where they charge your credit card after each booth. ( I believe it is Mexican cards only) Pre-pay is limited to $3000 on the account so a trip to Laredo and back will require you to re-load before you return. You can re-load online using a Mexican credit card, or any American Express. Or you can do so in BBVA or Oxxo amoung others. As a note I switched to post-pay a couple of years ago and it seemed the sensors at the booth worked quicker (possibly the system does not to verify your balance available) There are a couple of different types of sensors for the car. (and special ones for trucks and autos blindados) The better for normal use is the Portátil which seems to work much better at the toll booths than the Calcomanía (basically a foil windshield sticker) The Portátil is attached to the windshield and because of it's mounting design can be removed and re-installed in a second. The Portátil costs $150 and I have seen them in OXXO, Sanborns, and others. The Portátil is also sold at some toll booths in diffrent packages that include some balance in amounts up to $500 If you install the app on your phone you are notified after each booth of the charge. You can re-load your pre-pay using the app. After I swithced to the Portátil I have never had a problem with any booth reading my device with dozens of trips. I usually use the "Excluviso Telepeaje" lanes to save even more time. https://www.pase.com.mx/up/
  6. Interesting I asked a gringo friend he said basically the same thing..... I think he reads the same papers as your Mexican friend http://semanariolaguna.com/77593/ http://semanariolaguna.com/77589/
  7. If TEMU said you could pay in Oxxo they should have sent you a code number to give to Oxxo with the amount you need to pay
  8. I was not addressing you ibarra ...I was addressing comments by Voir dire as you can see in my quote.. Sorry I mispelled state but is easy to figure out with common sense.. My comment was completly accurate. In regards to your search problem You are searching for CCSMexicoCity@state.gov which is an email address not an website. the @ signifies it is an email. Web searches for emails don't work If you want to enroll in the program use the link I posted. https://step.state.gov/ If you want to see the advisory referrenced in the OP's post use this link to search advisories. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/mexico-travel-advisory.html
  9. The Department of State of the United States of America is certainly valid. If you are a subscriber to their travel alerts you would receive emails from CCSMexicoCity@state.gov if you put that you are in Mexico when you subscribe. You do not need to be a US citizen to subscribe https://step.state.gov/ The editing by NLU changing Mexico to United States was classic. I have thought many times Mexico should post warnings about cities in the USA that are dangerous to visit.
  10. You can pay TEMU with Paypal. They need to have none of your information other than a delivery address. I have used them in the USA and Mexico both. All orders have arrived on time or early. Also they have a way you can check to see if the price has dropped after your purchase. I had one and they reimbursed the difference to my Paypal account. Products usually arrive here in 2 weeks or so. Is it a safe site? Paypal usually is not associated with problem sellers. If you are worried then use Paypal and you are fully protected. Temu is a Boston-based online retailer that shares the same owner as Chinese social commerce giant Pinduoduo. Pinduoduo is one of China’s most popular e-commerce platforms with approximately 900 million users. PDD Holdings the parent company, which has money to burn moved its official headquarters from China to Ireland I only use their website, not the phone app. Like most apps they want too many permissions. That is true of many apps who ask for your contact list etc, when installing..... I started to download a photo editing app the other day and they wanted permission for access to contact list. Needless to say I did not finish the installation.
  11. The next project is Jesus Garcia Norte. They should have done this one first as it is more accessable from the Libramiento going either direction, but they put it off because it will take longer to finish.
  12. They don't care about that one it is not on the highway. The new system can read license plates and "follow" a suspect vehicle that is in the system. Great video a couple of days ago where the system in Mexico City read a plate, alerted he people in the center, followed the vehicle as it passed other cameras and sent a patrol car to aprehend.
  13. As shown on Google Maps https://www.google.com/maps/place/Gas+Rosa+|+San+Nicolas+de+Ibarra+|+ZMG/@20.2983698,-103.1796868,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipO-JgTghm0iXbGoIMDhef3rbg5bzT0u57-jc4uz!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipO-JgTghm0iXbGoIMDhef3rbg5bzT0u57-jc4uz%3Dw86-h114-k-no!7i3024!8i4032!4m15!1m7!3m6!1s0x842f41ff1f43387b:0xa576b202dd6e8a34!2sGas+Rosa+|+San+Nicolas+de+Ibarra+|+ZMG!8m2!3d20.2984139!4d-103.1797829!16s%2Fg%2F11nfhy85yx!3m6!1s0x842f41ff1f43387b:0xa576b202dd6e8a34!8m2!3d20.2984139!4d-103.1797829!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11nfhy85yx?entry=ttu
  14. Sorry for the mix up Checked my phone Prefered cust line is 800 228 -2728 = 800 BBVAPCU
  15. I have known Daniel Jackson Garcia for more years than I can remember. Honest and excellent work. A note: A gold wedding band is very hard to screw up
  16. https://app.cfe.mx/Aplicaciones/CCFE/MiEspacio/Login.aspx works perfectly in Chrome and Edge
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