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Everything posted by RickS

  1. Was it the positive effect of drugs.... or alcohol.... or maybe both with unlimited..... SEX
  2. You are right.... I did not see it. Oh, well....
  3. For those who don't need a daily update but would like to have this website available, the link is: https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=USD&To=MXN
  4. At least one male....Mario.... is working at Susahah's. Not there every day or at least was not a couple of weeks ago.
  5. And possibly a 3rd reason.... it cost them less?
  6. I'm wondering when a Moderator will inform him that his Political posts are not allowed.
  7. Couple of thoughts.... I'm not sure which countries it is that you suggest 'we' are attacking. And I'm not sure how it is that you suggest that 'we' are 'waisting our last years' in angst. Some things are important for the future, whether I am here or not, and this is one of them! But I certainly agree that we have a long row to hoe and it appears that China nor India are 'tuned in'. I suspect that, when you use the term 'developing world', you are referring to China and India? But it is a fact that we, the United States followed by the EU, are historically the world's largest polluters. At some point in the 2000s China took that unenviable distinction but we are still ahead of India and the EU. So our actions are not inconsequential in any stretch of the imagination.
  8. It's a common rebuttal to our current climate change to suggest that 'there have been periods in the earth's history when it was this bad'. But as Kiko's chart above clearly points out, we are experiencing a dramatic rate-of-change. All one has to do is look at that graphic. 2 million years of 'relative' sameness vs 100 years.... since the Industrial Revolution which spurred population growth and all that came with it... of unparalleled change.
  9. This example is not Mexico but..... the DMV people are not 'signature cops' said one agent to me one time. One would be surprised as to how illegible some people are with their signatures on car titles, etc.
  10. I don't think that you will regret deciding to check them out....
  11. These days you CAN leave your TIP vehicle in Mexico, go to the airport and fly out (he will have to turn in his Tourist Card to the airline); fly back to Mexico getting a new Tourist Card from INM in GDL Customs; then drive the vehicle out within the original paperwork 6-month TIP timeframe. Turn in the (new)Tourist Card to immigration also (or just let it expire without turning it in). You are correct that years ago this was said to be a no-no. It was said that the TIP was tied to the Tourist FMM. This may or may not have actually been true but everybody played that game. Not today. Anecdotally I have done what is suggested above.... fly out and back, then drive my TIP vehicle out later.... a couple of times in the last several years.
  12. RickS

    "Good" Vanilla

    Thanks all.... decided on the Crystal Papantla.... thanks Sea... and got it at the new Hola Market in Riberas.
  13. That's what I got yesterday at HSBC using my Schwab card....
  14. RickS

    "Good" Vanilla

    Please define "the real thing" por favor.
  15. RickS

    "Good" Vanilla

    Where can I find some 'good' vanilla? And the second question is 'what actually is good vanilla'? Other than the price, how can one tell the better quality from the junk? Gracias
  16. A change like that is far beyond any Moderator action. They could make a recommendation to Admin if they so chose but that would probably get them absolutely nowhere.
  17. So what does this question mean?
  18. New Year's Day.... 16.98 to US Dollar
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