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Everything posted by Whipstock

  1. Looks like after todays software update, everyone is once again a Newbie.
  2. This week at Intercam a CEDE of 100 000 Pesos for 9 months gets you 3.35% I believe the new tax rate was dropped to just below 1% as of Jan 1st. As Per HoneyBee, it is well below the real rate of inflation. I do not know the difference in rates or benefits between a CETE(s) and a CEDE(s). Someone said a CETE is a Federal Government bond, and a CEDE is a bank CD?? If anyone knows, please share on the board.
  3. The Starlink system has a few bugs to work out. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/06/starlink-dish-overheats-in-arizona-sun-knocking-user-offline-for-7-hours/
  4. The delta variety seems like it has some punch to it. https://www.newyorker.com/science/medical-dispatch/the-delta-variant-is-a-grave-danger-to-the-unvaccinated?utm_source=nl&utm_brand=tny&utm_mailing=TNY_Daily_062321&utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_medium=email&bxid=5ee15f93cb988a675a739963&cndid=28352649&hasha=9ac8d0163f000e2007d801344e3c3fa6&hashb=2f1db8327f0b648f42a1f32e28bb3577082273ac&hashc=024339e644c6ac43093773a009491c34aa0c05f7626e8c0f6c2ece8563a294d2&esrc=KEYWEE_FB_CULTURE&mbid=CRMNYR012019&utm_content=A&utm_term=TNY_Daily
  5. Maybe they think you really can take it with you?
  6. This site should be helpful to book your choice of shots in San Antonio: https://covid19.sanantonio.gov/What-YOU-Can-Do/Vaccination
  7. That sounds like it could be good. I've had crickets in Thailand that were like potato chips. Of course they should be Certified Organic. 🤣
  8. Does anyone know if these are Lakeside? "Kissing bugs are commonly found in South and Central America, and Mexico" https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2021/06/19/kissing-bug-chagas-disease-doctors-may-missing-cases-study-finds/7636755002/
  9. There are 10 multiple choice questions about signs. There are three choices in English. The correct answer to the sign with a line through the bus unloading passengers; is no bus stopping. Edit: the study sheets I've seen do not show that sign. They also have a different word for the traffic circle (round about). Good luck Val!
  10. I have never found quantity to be a replacement for quality. I assume the bells and cohetes were there first, before your choice to move in?
  11. That has to be the weirdest way ever, of admitting that I won on the 8th! 🤣 But I'll take it.
  12. The "Other" box has been moved to the greyed area that says official use. I checked it anyway and it wasn't brought up.
  13. I think it just says: Plástico. Lakeside of street, a few doors West of the Optometrists.
  14. It's the NYC//Toronto version of Lakeside.
  15. Judge's ruling on a Mulligan (?); June 23rd
  16. The FDA has a different take on false positives: "This means that, in a population with 1% prevalence, only 30% of individuals with positive test results actually have the disease." I would protect myself and others, and get a second test. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/letters-health-care-providers/potential-false-positive-results-antigen-tests-rapid-detection-sars-cov-2-letter-clinical-laboratory
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