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Everything posted by SunFan

  1. Hysop p I've used Baker Creek for years and would recommend them as well. I have many packets of fresh seed from Baker Creek - tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, herbs, etc. PM me if interested in trying a few dozen. SunFan
  2. He didn't do anything for my remotes - a Shaw and a Sony. SunFan
  3. Chula Vista considers the potable water delivered by it's two wells to be its most important feature. Well water is chlorinated automatically and water tests are performed regularly by a CONAGUA certified lab in Guadalajara. We and our guests have been drinking the water for the nine years we've lived here without ill effects. My only regret is without another source we use the same well water for bathing and irrigation. SunFan
  4. I’m trying to get away from Shaw services. I’ve been informed iLox throttles IPTV traffic resulting in an unacceptable level of buffering. I currently enjoy great streaming services like Acorn and Netflix with no buffering. Is there anyone with actual experience? Does a VPN worsen the situation? TIA SunFan
  5. Looking forward to the new thousand pesos bills. Hope they go into general circulation unlike the old thousand peso notes. SunFan
  6. Strange. I just made a Mercadolibre purchase this morning using Bancomer debit. Using Chrome and the Mercadolibre web site. Don't know why credit would be different. SunFan
  7. Maybe Vancouver but have you enjoyed the adventure in Montreal? LOL SunFan
  8. Relaxing on the Terrassa after an afternoon of gardening and I'm watching a crew of those tiny ants scurry along the floor. They must travel 30 or 40 times their body length in a second. How in the Hell do they manage that? I can't believe their legs move that fast. Any ideas? I've also am puzzled by some of the recent findings in Quantum Mechanics if anyone can tackle that. I'm sure glad I've acclimatized to this prolonged isolation. SunFan
  9. Super. Thanks a lot. I know the lumber store well. SunFan
  10. My cordless drill just gave up the ghost in the middle of assembling stretcher frames for my wife. The chuck is jammed wide open. Is there anyone local who repairs small power tools???? TIA SunFan
  11. Luz (sp) the optician at the LCS accepts old eyeglasses and provides them to those who can't afford glasses. SunFan
  12. I have been a patient since she opened her practice. I have had crowns, fillings and inlays done very successfully but I agree I would not use her for implants. She did three for me. One molar snapped at the Titanium screw leaving a portion of he screw still imbedded in the implant. It cannot be removed (or at least she can't remove it). I am now missing a molar. SunFan
  13. Bit snarky today are we? Can you see at trend in the numbers presented by Bisbee Gal? SunFan Weekly case increases between July 2nd and Oct. 8th in Chapala. Data from Official Jalisco State Government Covid site, https://coronavirus.jalisco.gob.mx/ Date Cases New Weekly Cases July 2nd 33 - July 9th 36 3 July 16th 37 1 July 23rd 41 4 July 30th 43 2 Aug. 6th 52 9 Aug. 13th 61 9 Aug. 20th 74 13 Aug. 27th 87 13 Sept. 3rd 94 7 Sept. 10th 98 4 Sept. 17th 112 14 Sept. 24th 123 11 Oct. 1st 133 10 Oct. 8th 148 15
  14. Seems like the virus is just now hitting Lakeside. The worst mat be yet to come. SunFan
  15. After months of no activity I tried my ilox phone line yesterday. Same problem - my call is dropped completely after a couple of minutes. What are other users experiencing now? SunFan
  16. Does anyone know who officially "approves" the installation of topes? SunFan
  17. Two years ago they were one hour sessions for 500 pesos. SunFan
  18. Many sing the praises of Bowen therapy. I had six sessions for hip pain with the local practitioner here with no positive results. Turned out a simple anti-inflammatory gave immediate and permanent relief. SunFan
  19. Hang in there Pedro! I’m reminded of the story Jim Wilson told me years ago. I can’t remember the exact dollar amounts but the proportions are correct. About 8 years ago, he fell on the Atlas golf course and required surgery to repair his knee. He got preapproval for the surgery from his insurance company and had the procedure done in Guadalajara. His deductible was $85,000 pesos The insurance company started playing games. They denied the claim citing pre-existing conditions. He went back and forth with his surgeon and the insurance company for months. Finally the surgeon contacted him one day and said “Jim I’ve not been paid for your surgery by your insurance company. Could you see you way to paying me directly and continue to battle with your insurer to get reimbursed?” “No problem.” said Jim.” How much were your fees?” “ $65,000 pesos said the surgeon.” SunFan
  20. You have a different philosophy. I respect that. I did my homework before retiring 12 years ago. Things have just worked out better than expected. Charities and our kids and grand kids will benefit. And no Pedro I don't expect there will be a Uhaul attached to my hearse. SunFan
  21. Investing nonsense Pedro? It's the basis of capitalism. By investing I have more money each year in principal and fund a very good life here. Remember Jesus saves....Moses invests. SunFan
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