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To speak English


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privado, i have a steel trap mind. & wish to spend my time doing what i like. btw, i couldn't even learn a language @ age 15. if you can't cook order in. I've read all that nonsense about what seniors "should" do. next week it will be study math, or what ever. these are just suggestions. don't take it literally. do what you like, thats the key. if it is meaningless to you (or me), you won't remember it anyway. but thats above the "experts" heads.

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Pry open that steel trap. It may have been closed a very long time and there is a chance of rust. :)

Just this morning, I was recalling my first pilot lessons in college. Then, I realized that I can't recall how I got to the Air Park from the university campus; try as I may, that information seems gone forever.

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Well ---- I've tried to keep up with the opinions and coments from all of you, I tried teaching are children that "The way you are today is the choices you made in life, if you want to change the way you are you have to change your choices"

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When I went to grade school, multiculturism was unknown. The teachers used to hit kids for speaking a language other than English. The Indian kids got it the worse. Later, when I went to the university, they tried hard to teach me that which they had sought to eradicate. Odd world isn't it.

And for what it is worth, you cannot extrapolate the ideas of a few nut cases to cover the millions of people in a political party. The essence of conservatism is that everyone gets to make up their own mind about issues. No one gets drummed out of the party for having strange ideas. There is no party line that must be followed. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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Something everyone should keep in mind is that a substantial number of Mexican people you may encounter speak Spanish as their second language, and they may not be all that fluent. The first language for these folks may be Nahuatl, Huichol, or Purépecha in this area. In other areas it may be one of the various Maya languages, or Totonac, Otomi, etc. There are at least 60 distinct languages other than Spanish that are recognized in Mexico. Increasingly, I am finding official signs in Mexico, such as those in museums, that are printed in Spanish, English, and the local indigenous language.

So, the fact is, the Mexican person who doesn't understand your English might not understand Spanish very well either. Let's all cut each other some slack, relax, and attempt to communicate the best we can. And remember, unless you have taken out a citizenship, you are still a guest in this country and guests should behave themselves.

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