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Everything posted by ea93105

  1. Too bad since that park is so big, you have to go out of your way to get within 20 feet of anyone, but I'm sure it's being grouped with smaller parks where distancing is a more of an issue. Wish they would take a more targeted and limited entry approach.
  2. We searched for the mother for about 30 minutes but could not find her
  3. We found two female and one male kitten in the foothills, they are about 4 weeks old. We will be fostering them with food and medical care, but they are available for adoption anytime. If there is a facility or person who fosters cats and would be willing to take them ,please let us know. We will gladly pay for their care until they are adopted.
  4. Consider it a Covid surcharge, just like some restaurants nob are adding to their bills
  5. The only alternative to a gravity pressure roof tinaco is a pump pressurized system which will draw water from the ajibe.. The downside is that they won't have any water during an electrical outage unless you also install a battery backup system.
  6. Within minutes there will be helpful Mexicans pushing the broken down car off the street, having a laugh while doing so.
  7. https://www.businessinsider.com/irs-stimulus-website-error-message-trick-use-all-caps-2020-4?r=MX&IR=T
  8. For those of you that are still getting a message that they do not have correct information, be sure to enter your address in all CAPITAL LETTERS, it worked for me. Check was sent to my us address, I had it scanned and emailed to me, then I printed it and signed it and was able to deposit it through my Chase mobile app.
  9. Better to make sure he transfers ownership to his name at the registration office in Chapala, go with him if not inconvenient
  10. I'm going to install metal spikes on my bike wheels ala roman chariot style, I might accidentally brush against one of those cars..oops
  11. I'm looking for one of those street brooms made by hand. Wooden stick with reeds wrapped around. They used the be for sale on the carretera but haven't seen any in a long time.
  12. And for a laugh on separators : https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/milwaukee-is-testing-new-wave-delineators-from-a-madison-company-to-separate-car-lanes-from-the-bike-path/ar-BB13KDEx?ocid=msedgntp
  13. 32 bikes on the path this evening between SA and Riberas, most I've seen yet. Lots of walkers ( a lot with dogs ) and runners too. Hope the walkers with dogs pick up the poo.
  14. Sorry, I remembered reading a "ten times" article but it appears to be ten times more deadly according to the WHO : "The novel coronavirus is 10 times more deadly than swine flu, also called H1N1 "
  15. The critical difference is that Covid 19 is TEN times more contagious than the flu , no comparison
  16. I'm trying to study up the the Biodigester tank like the Rotoplas but having trouble finding much in English. Are these tanks not used NOB ? Are the precautions you mentioned specific to this type of tank ? Do they produce more gas ? Any maintenance ?
  17. While biking around Riberas I'm convinced that there underground springs in several locations which were built on top of and the water is seeping up and flowing into the street even now in the dry season. I can see the same thing happening one block down at the same location. I'm sure those homes have a hard time with their septic systems. Fortunately I don't have that problem.
  18. The drawing I posted is just the primary solids tank even though it has 2 chambers. The black water continues on to an even large leach tank not shown in the drawing. Anyone familiar with a biodigester tank like what Rotoplas makes ? I'm not sure newer is always better.
  19. This looks like an interesting option as well: https://articulo.mercadolibre.com.mx/MLM-740214507-biodigestor-rotoplas-autolimpiable-1300-litros-fosa-septica-_JM?quantity=1#position=1&type=item&tracking_id=efc38999-acd5-47ed-8b5d-56498f9f93f1
  20. This is want I plant to build or buy : ( preferably in concrete )
  21. Great, looking forward to hearing about it
  22. I assume there is no such thing as a premade primary septic tank here so I'm think the best way to build one would be using solid concrete blocks, (no bricks), or have it poured with concrete into a form. I plan of having two chambers in the primary tank divided by a wall about 3/4 way up with only fluids continuing on to a leach tank.
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