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I am wondering if anyone has had experience with this situation or has any knowledge regarding it. Thanks for your help in advance.

I have a Canadian plated vehicle that someone wants to buy. They are also Canadian, so that is not a problem. But, because they want to leave the car here in Mexico, the TIP I have on it must be taken off and theirs put on. Is there any way to return the TIP or cancel it without losing my money and not going to the border?

One of the reasons for selling the car is so I do not have to drive it back to Canada. Is it possible to turn in the TIP without the physical car?

Thanks again and have a super day, Penny

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Nope. You must take your car to the border, have the sticker removed and get your deposit back. The buying party must then enter Mexico with the signed over car and have the permit issued in their name. When you originally got your TIP you signed an agreement to remove the car from Mexico; Aduana makes it difficult to do anything other than what you promised to do.

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Taking it to the border, and selling it there with the new owner returning it to Mexico on his TIP will work. However, the new owner will need to register the car in Canada. Can he do that remotely?

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