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Will someone please tell me how much I am paying per KWh?

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So not knowing what rate I am paying at any particular time, Would I be safe to say the computer/TV/whatever is costing me $1.00 per hour?

So I figure I can look at the transformer for my laptop and the power supply for my PC. Then multiply that by the number of hours used and then the cost per hour.

Headache just thinking about it, :)



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Not too tough to figure out: Your last bill was for 240 Kwhr and you paid MX$218. With an exchange rate of 12.75 pesos per USD, that would put your electric cost at about US$0.07 per kwhr.

A laptop will typically use about 50 watts per hour. If it's turned on 8 hours a day, you would use 400 watts of electricity per day. Your daily cost would then be about USD$0.03. A desktop and monitor may use 100 watts an hour, so turned on for 8 hours a day would use 800 watts or about USD$0.06 of power. Laser printers use 460 watts per hour.

Your costs will stay about the same unless you start changing your habits of the past year or so and up your electricity usage.

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Trust nothing the CFE says, or does - NOTHING. Now, I have a small Dell PC, not a laptop which could be less, but this one uses 26W of electricity, so 1000 (1 KWH) divided by 26 means every 38 hours that single PC uses 1KWH and I'm on DAC rates at about $.42 per hour USD (less with exchange). So, every 38 hours I spend $.42USD to run it or about $.011 per hour USD. Not 1 dollar, if that were the case (on a DAC rate) you'd spend $720 a month just on a PC. Now, if you're not on a DAC rate, then you will be less than a penny per hour. If you have a regulator, that eats power, refrigerators, clothes dryers, dishwashers, even pressure pumps eat much more, my pressure pumps eat 1kwh per day, pools even more.

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Each KWH is costing you about $1 US but your computer would only be using a fraction of that.


Actually her bill was $196.71 plus 16% IVA for total of $228 pesos. Now she used 240 KWH, therefore each KWH cost her about 95 centavos.

Why are her rates so low? The same reason mine are. We are rewarded a rather large government subsidy for keeping our consumption so low. Without the subsidy, her bill would have been appreciably more than $1000 pesos Off the top of my head, at DAC to include the monthly fee it would be about $1,300 pesos, not $228.

Why is electricity so much more expensive in Mexico than up in cold and rainy areas of say Washington or BC? One reason is that in Seattle, the fuel we use to turn our generators is rain water coming down from the mountains, which is free. Sadly the vast majority of fuel used for the generators in Mexico comes from fossil fuel and that costs a lot of money.

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Texas makes tons of electricity from natural gas and I pay about 8 cents per kWh at my office building. NG fired power is dirt cheap these days, not as cheap as hydropower from existing plants, but very close.

CFE is corrupt and inefficient and it is ludicrous that their "full" cost of production is nearly 30 cents per kWh. That's the problem. And that is also why no one will lend them money to improve their decrepit system. Because they are CFE.

If Mexico is serious about becoming a first-world country, it is going to have to do something about CFE. Don't hold your breath on that one or fixing equally corrupt and incompetent Pemex. Both are a real drag on the economy of this country but there's too many hogs feeding at those troughs to expect real reform.

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Hey Maincoons, :) you will note that I said above; "ONE REASON", not every reason:) :) :) the cost is so high is because they don't have free fuel :) :)

By the way although natural gas costs less the fuel oil, that is a very very good cost per KWH in Texas.

Posting under my real name I am careful what I say :)

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I have two computers running 24/7 plus all the regular stuff a house has, including a gas dryer. My bill is never over 250 pesos for two months. At that rate, I really don't care how much power the computers are pulling. Why is it important to you to calculate your computer power usage? Just curious.

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Most of us don´t care how much a computer or anything else uses untill we get a ridiculously high bill , at which point we start trying to figure out what the HE double hocky sticks happened to bring such a surprise our way.

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