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Email fraud notice from CFE


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I received an email from CFE this morning warning about potentially fraudulent emails indicating that you can pay you CFE bill online and even receive a discount for doing so. I have posted the Spanish text of the email below. In general it says to not be fooled by this type of email, CFE never gives discounts for paying online, and advises that you never provide personal information including passwords in response to any email. The part about not providing personal information is pretty obvious but nonetheless important to remember. They indicate that they have detected fraudulent emails so are warning us to be alert to this scam.

I assume I received this email directly from CFE because I signed up for their online site and provided my email address. I don't personally use the CFE siteto pay my bill but have used it to check the status of my account, print a bill, etc. Going to that site seems okay but as this email warns never respond to an email like the one they are describing. I certainly appreciate this notification from CFE.

No te dejes sorprender

La Comisión Federal de Electricidad hace de tu conocimiento que se han detectado correos electrónicos que circulan por Internet y que invitan a realizar el pago en línea del servicio eléctrico con cargo a tarjeta de crédito o débito -incluso ofreciendo descuentos- para lo que se incluyen vínculos a páginas web fraudulentas, que simulan ser de la CFE.

No te dejes sorprender. Estos sitios web son falsos, pretendiendo obtener datos confidenciales como contraseñas y detalles de las tarjetas bancarias.

La CFE reitera que no ofrece descuentos por pagar en línea.

Recomendación: No contestes a ningún correo que solicite información personal o financiera.

Si deseas actualizar tu correo electrónico, lo puedes hacer en tu Centro de Atención a Clientes más cercano, o bien en Actualiza tus datos en el portal institucional.

Si no deseas recibir este tipo de información, por favor envía un mensaje a: servicioalcliente@cfe.gob.mx

Este correo cumple con lo establecido por la Ley Federal de Protección al consumidor, Artículo 76 bis, inciso VI y Artículo 86 bis

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I too have received emails I thought from CFE or pretending to be CFE suggesting I start paying by mail and suggesting a discount.. I think I got my first email 3 or more weeks ago. Yes I am registered on line with CFE.

There were several reasons I wasn't interested, to include the fact that my electrical bill is very small, usually less than $200 pesos and any discount would not make that big a difference. So I never really read the whole email. Besides it was in Spanish that made it a little more difficult to understand

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yes, those e mails are common for locals. Everybody know or should know that any official institution asks for password or any other confidential info. by email. When you receive emails like that and if you want to be sure, just go directly to the company site in internet and learn about it. Never, NEVER follow a link directly from an email. Never click on ANY link suggested by email..

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