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Everything posted by Sonia

  1. As a temporary or permanent resident one is to complete a FMM each time you leave and enter Mexico. There is no rationale for stating it only applies to one exiting by plane. And, to suggest they are thrown in the garbage is a typical myth reported by someone who was told by someone who knew someone who saw it happen,. Try applying for citizenship after you complete a FMM when leaving and not turning it back in when returning. Since you may only be out of the country 6 months max in past 2 years when applying for citizenship you have a huge issue. www.soniadiaz.mx
  2. You may want to read about buying a car in Mexico here: http://www.soniadiaz.mx/vehicles.html
  3. My web site which averages 40000 views per month will answer your questions. www.soniadiaz.mx
  4. Federal noise law: http://www.dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle_popup.php?codigo=5324105
  5. Only a TR or PR with a fully issued visa may obtain SP. And in many states SP is only available to citizens. SP is available to visa holders in Cuernavaca, Puerto Vallarta and one of the SP offices in Riviera Nayarit. Other may answer regarding at lakeside. In it not available to non-citizens in the states of Queretaro nor Guanajuato at all. RVGringo answered re cars.
  6. You can have any screen name and it does not mean you live there. Others have also questioned your location and your attitude. Really odd you tried 60 times according to you ... mmm.... and did not discover how to make an appointment. The SRE web site for appointments which I use several times a week for clients rarely has issues.
  7. Most of us do not read minds and therefore did not know you were in Italy. A 1 minute Google search and... https://embamex.sre.gob.mx/italia/index.php/es/seccion-consular/174-requisitos-para-visa-de-residente-temporal-rentista and... https://consulmex.sre.gob.mx/milan/index.php/servicios-consulares/documentacion-a-extranjeros/39 Milan consulate appointments are made on-line which is similar to most consulates, ya know.
  8. Many consulates do not allow an appointment to made on the phone. If you have not yet, then check the consulates web site. There are many other MX consulates.
  9. As to the advice above, you need a notario and not an attorney. You, as the buyer select the notario. Sign nothing, not even an offer to purchase without a review by your notario. And, ask notario his/her fee as by law they have a range of fees. Do not buy ejido (communal) land. Title insurance is no guarantee. www.soniadiaz.mx
  10. Amen... or simply arrogance, but that can't be it either.
  11. Agree. One of the highest number of complaints in Mexico City is in regards to noise. Here is the law which my husband presented to the mayor's assistant, a lawyer, in SMA and he had immediately results. A phone call was made while he was still in her office. The city did not know the law existed. http://www.dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle_popup.php?codigo=5324105 Noise equivalency http://www.noisehelp.com/noise-level-chart.html ACUERDO por el que se modifica el numeral 5.4 de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-081-SEMARNAT-1994, Que establece los límites máximos permisibles de emisión de ruido de las fuentes fijas y su método de medición. Al margen un sello con el Escudo Nacional, que dice: Estados Unidos Mexicanos.- Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales. CUAUHTÉMOC OCHOA FERNÁNDEZ, Subsecretario de Fomento y Normatividad Ambiental, con fundamento en lo dispuesto por los artículos 32 Bis de la Ley Orgánica de la Administración Pública Federal; 51, segundo párrafo, de la Ley Federal sobre Metrología y Normalización; 5o. fracciones V y XV; 15, fracciones III, XII y XVI, 36, fracción II y último párrafo, 37 TER y 155 de la Ley General del Equilibrio Ecológico y la Protección al Ambiente; 8, fracciones III y IV del Reglamento Interior de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, y CONSIDERANDO Que la contaminación acústica es un problema ambiental importante con cada vez mayor presencia en la sociedad moderna, debido al desarrollo de actividades industriales, comerciales y de servicios que constituyen fuentes tanto fijas como móviles que generan diferentes tipos de ruido que, de acuerdo a su intensidad, frecuencia y tiempo de exposición, repercuten no sólo en los seres humanos sino en los seres vivos que conforman los ecosistemas en los que se encuentra inmersa la población humana. Que el artículo 4o. de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, establece el derecho de toda persona a un medio ambiente sano para su desarrollo y bienestar, mandato constitucional que implica la protección del conjunto de elementos naturales y artificiales o inducidos por el hombre que hacen posible la existencia y desarrollo de los seres humanos y demás organismos vivos que interactúan en un espacio y tiempo determinados. Que el artículo 155 de la Ley General del Equilibrio Ecológico y la Protección al Ambiente, prohíbe las emisiones de ruido en cuanto se rebasen los límites máximos establecidos en las normas oficiales mexicanas expedidas por la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, considerando los valores de concentración máxima permisibles para el ser humano de contaminantes en el ambiente que determine la Secretaría de Salud. Que el trece de enero de mil novecientos noventa y cinco, se publicó en el Diario Oficial de la Federación, la norma oficial mexicana NOM-081-SEMARNAT-1994, Que establece los límites máximos permisibles de emisión de ruido de las fuentes fijas y su método de medición, tema normativo cuya modificación se reiteró en el Programa Nacional de Normalización publicado en el mismo medio de difusión oficial el veintinueve de abril de dos mil trece. Que no obstante la existencia de la regulación normativa señalada en el párrafo anterior, nuestro país, a nivel internacional, sigue señalándose como ejemplo de naciones en las que se han incrementado los problemas generados por la contaminación acústica. Por ejemplo, la Organización Mundial de la Salud ha estimado que, al menos, 120 millones de personas en el mundo presentan problemas auditivos a consecuencia del ruido excesivo al que están sometidos, sobre todo en las grandes urbes. Que por su parte, la Organización para la Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE), ha informado que trece millones de habitantes de sus países miembros, entre ellos México, se encuentran expuestos a un nivel sonoro superior a 65 decibeles. Al respecto, recientemente, en el año dos mil doce, la Fonoteca Nacional realizó la medición de los niveles sonoros en cinco puntos diferentes de la capital de la República Mexicana, reportando que en la Ciudad de México se excede el límite superior deseable que recomienda la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Que lo anterior, impele a adoptar medidas concretas de protección para la salud humana, en aplicación del principio precautorio de acuerdo con el cual, la falta de certeza científica no constituye un obstáculo para adoptar medidas de protección al medio ambiente y a la salud humana, sin que por ello se demerite el proceso de modificación de la regulación existente en la materia. Que el artículo 51 de la Ley Federal sobre Metrología y Normalización establece que cuando no subsistan las causas que motivaron la expedición de una norma oficial mexicana, el Comité Consultivo Nacional de Normalización correspondiente, podrá modificar la norma de que se trate sin seguir el procedimiento para su elaboración, salvo que se pretendan crear nuevos requisitos o procedimientos o especificaciones más estrictas. Que en el presente caso, si bien es cierto que subsisten las causas que motivaron la expedición de la norma oficial mexicana NOM-081-SEMARNAT-1994, Que establece los límites máximos permisibles de emisión de ruido de las fuentes fijas y su método de medición, también es cierto que dichas causas han sido superadas ampliamente por la realidad actual de la incidencia perjudicial del ruido en los seres humanos, lo cual se ha descrito en párrafos anteriores. Que del análisis de la regulación vigente, se deduce que los niveles máximos permisibles del nivel sonoro en ponderación "A", contenidos en la Tabla 1 de la citada norma oficial mexicana, conllevan a que todas las fuentes emisoras de ruido deben cumplir con los mismos valores, lo cual no es un criterio adecuado; dado que las diversas actividades humanas que se desarrollan dentro de cualquier instalación, no se pueden equiparar, por lo que en opinión de la Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios de la Secretaría de Salud y de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, es conveniente establecer los niveles de ruido y la zonificación que recomienda la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Que existen diferencias sustanciales entre los niveles de ruido de una zona residencial, industrial, comercial o de servicios, por lo que la determinación de los niveles máximos permisibles de ruido para cada una de ellas, no genera obligaciones innecesarias a aquellas zonas en las cuales se desarrollan actividades menos ruidosas, ello sin perjuicio de que dicha zonificación represente mayores beneficios en la salud de las personas que se encuentran expuestas a altos niveles de emisión de ruido. Que en este sentido, la Dirección General de Industria, previa valoración técnica, sometió a mi consideración el presente instrumento, mismo que tiene como finalidad precisar los límites máximos permisibles del nivel sonoro en ponderación "A" emitidos por las fuentes fijas, atendiendo a la actividad generadora del mismo, las zonas en las cuales puede producirse y los horarios en los cuales puede generarse; modificaciones que no crean nuevos requisitos o procedimientos, sino que únicamente precisa e individualiza aspectos técnicos importantes para la determinación de niveles aceptables de ruido y, por lo que he tenido a bien expedir el siguiente: "ACUERDO POR EL QUE SE MODIFICA EL NUMERAL 5.4 DE LA NORMA OFICIAL MEXICANA NOM- 081-SEMARNAT-1994, QUE ESTABLECE LOS LÍMITES MÁXIMOS PERMISIBLES DE EMISIÓN DE RUIDO DE LAS FUENTES FIJAS Y SU MÉTODO DE MEDICIÓN" ARTICULO ÚNICO. Se modifica el numeral 5.4 de la norma oficial mexicana NOM-081-SEMARNAT-1994, Que establece los límites máximos permisibles de emisión de ruido de las fuentes fijas y su método de medición, para establecer lo siguiente: "5.4 Los límites máximos permisibles del nivel sonoro en ponderación "A" emitidos por fuentes fijas, son los establecidos en la Tabla 1. TABLA 1. LÍMITES MÁXIMOS PERMISIBLES. ZONA HORARIO LÍMITE MÁXIMO PERMISIBLE dB (A) Residencial1 (exteriores) 6:00 a 22:00 22:00 a 6:00 55 50 Industriales y comerciales 6:00 a 22:00 22:00 a 6:00 68 65 Escuelas (áreas exteriores de juego) Durante el juego 55 Ceremonias, festivales y eventos de entretenimiento. 4 horas 100 1 Entendida por: vivienda habitacional unifamiliar y plurifamiliar; vivienda habitacional con comercio en planta baja; vivienda habitacional mixta; vivienda habitacional con oficinas; centros de barrio y zonas de servicios educativos. TRANSITORIO ÚNICO. El presente Acuerdo entrará en vigor al día siguiente de su publicación en el Diario Oficial de la Federación. México, Distrito Federal, a los seis días del mes de noviembre de dos mil trece.- El Subsecretario de Fomento y Normatividad Ambiental, Cuauhtémoc Ochoa Fernández.- Rúbrica.
  12. That what I said so not sure why you did not understand.. they all have a very good command of Spanish. Nor did you read my web site regarding citizenship in which I describe the tests for those over 60 and I provide a link to the study guide.
  13. Agree with the post above and Mainecoons even for those over 60 it is very difficult for an expat to pass the test. I have had one client fail the 3 tries and several past but they all have a very good command of Spanish. I will not accept a client for citizenship who can not have a conversation with me in Spanish. For those under 61 the second test is extremely difficult. The fee of 20000 pesos is reasonable to go through the citizenship process and I have seen others charge outrageous fees. http://www.soniadiaz.mx/citizenship.html I truly doubt anyone paid 10,000 pesos and no test and received citizenship and passport. I suspect another myth, BS or senility setting in.
  14. Obtain your FMM at the airport and show your pre-approved visa. It is the same FMM used for tourists. They will mark it CANJE. You may also obtain your FMM on-line but there is no advantage. It still needs to be stamped and marked CANJE and your pre-approved visa in your passport date stamped. My web site has a link to the FMME, the electronic format. If you are driving you may obtain your TIP online and it will be for 180 days vs the typical 30 days which it what it should be. By obtaining a TIP on-line and for 180 days it saves you rushing off to Aduana within 30 days. I have seen these many times.
  15. We use a scooter daily in San Miguel where there are no traffic lights, thankfully. We have done so for years including at lakeside when we lived there. Ours is a Yamaha NMAX..... 155 cc; 15 horsepower (most are about 9HP when this size of motor) ; 13" wheels for topes; dual disc brakes; anti-lock brakes stop the wheels from locking; large under seat capacity. We have owned several scooters and Yamaha, Suzuki and Honda are superior to most others.
  16. I suggest every one carries a copy of article 106 which you will find at the bottom of this page: http://www.soniadiaz.mx/vehicles.html I also suggest going to Aduana twice to protect your deposit and often a letter is issued extending the TIP so it expires on same date as one's temporary resident visa.
  17. All my clients go to Aduana twice. Once right after going to INM to start or renew a visa and again when visa is issued. If you do not go your deposit is lost.
  18. You do both processes at same time, a renewal and a change of address. You may do both up to and including the day of expiration. https://www.facebook.com/www.soniadiaz.mx/
  19. None of this is in effect and the details as to what applies to a part-time person vs a full time person are not available. I suspect it applies to only full time. Social security comprises of IMSS, INFONAVIT (housing) and pension. To set it up one needs an accountant. And, for most an accountant to administer it. One payment is monthly and one is bi-monthly. Many employers are required to pay social security but usually small businesses such as a little store, a business of a few employees, etc. simply do not due to cost and typically administration not being easy. Employers also know, employees lack sufficient education to seek the benefits of social security or employees say give me a little more and forget it or they know others are waiting to take their job if they complain. As to IMSS when combined with Seguro Popular, they will have about 90 million members. So if anyone thinks this is going to increase a huge sum for a healthcare system that is always on the verge of bankruptcy, it is not going to happen. As to employee not reporting for work, a reason for termination includes more than three unjustified absences in a 30-day period.
  20. Correct we have no one's financial statements. To make an appointment at a consulate we need one's passport information and email address as that is required. We certainly do not "shop" for a consulate. www.soniadiaz.mx
  21. What has happened at the INM offices in at least PV and San Miguel and I suspect throughout Mexico, INM staff are being assigned to the borders, San Luis Potosi, Oaxaca, etc to help with refugees and undocumented persons. This has been going on for years but previously only a few staff temporarily re-assigned. Staff work long hours and they paid a higher rate so at least financially an advantage. However, starting about 2.5 months ago many more staff have these assignments. In San Miguel for example, typically of the 8 staff who are at the two desks and process visas, 5 to 6 are gone. This leaves 2 to 3 with one assigned to the two desks and the other 1 or 2 processing travel letters and only a few visas. They are hundreds behind. In a typical month I alone have about 50 processes. These assignments for staff may also be dangerous. Several are personal friends and what they experience is not a job I would want. INM I understand is working at hiring more staff for the administrative offie in Mexico City and for these assignments but that is a long term process. I personally expect this issue to last for months and delays grow longer and longer. I do not know the situation at lakeside or with GDL INM but again likely their staff are on or will be on these assignments. I am sure Spencer knows.
  22. You will not be granted a travel letter and here is way and this I had just posted on my FB. This post should be moved to the appropriate section, Travel Letters The following time lines are for San Miguel de Allende INM office. The process is the same throughout Mexico but time lines vary with each INM office. 1. If you plan to travel outside of Mexico during the visa process you will require a travel letter. 2. If you are starting with a consulate pre-approved visa it is not possible to apply for a travel letter and for you to exit Mexico once your process has started until you are approved at the local Inmigracion office. In San Miguel, it is usually, 11 weeks (but likely now more) for approval from time your application is started but it may be longer. 3. If you are applying for a visa renewal you may apply for a travel letter at almost any time starting the day after you have submitted your visa renewal documents. You do not have to wait for your process to be approved. 4. These letters may take ~5 business days but varies with each INM office. These letters have a fee, require forms, photo and bank form / payment, copies, signatures, submission and then returning to INM and waiting to pick up your letter. The travel letter is good for 60 days from and counting the day it is issued. You must return to Mexico within that time frame. 5. In Puerto Vallarta, travel letters may only be submitted 3 business days before your departure and one must provide a copy of airline reservation / flight ticket. 6. Upon your return you must submit to INM your travel letter with the stamp indicating when you exited Mexico and when you returned. It must be submitted to INM within ten days upon your re-entering Mexico. 7. Or, wait until your visa will be issued. 8. If you drive out of Mexico with a travel letter and turn in your car permit, since you will have no visa, you can’t get a car permit to re-enter Mexico with your car. You will need to leave your car at the border and return to pick it up when your visa is issued.
  23. The issue with Monex is they are not a bank so funds are not protected. FYI Monex is a US subsidiary out of Texas. Having money in Monex is akin to asking your buddy to invest your money for you. It was a Ponzi scheme manipulated by people working for Monex. Unfortunately, many of those conned seldom checked their bank account. Texas authorities are now also investigating Monex.
  24. From my web site: Mexican Nationals Living Abroad may obtain a TIP. As well as proving work abroad for a year or more, they must submit the document issued by the immigration authorities of the foreign country proving they are a permanent or temporary residents abroad by the legal authority of that country in accordance with international agreements to which Mexico is a party http://www.soniadiaz.mx/vehicles.html
  25. It makes sense the TIP is for 30 days since one is only legal in Mexico for 30 days with a pre-approved visa until they have applied at INM. This happens many times every day. A TIP obtained at the border with a pre-approved visa matches the FMM marked CANJE and both are for 30 days. As soon as one submits their visa process at INM they should go to Aduana to protect their deposit. Once visa is issued you go again and your TIP then expires when your 1 year TR visa expires. If you do not go to Aduana you lose your TIP but your car is legal as long as you are legal. In the event of an accident I have seen insurance companies immediately say the the insured person. prove to me your car is legally in Mexico. We went to Aduana for that letter. Those obtaining a TIP on line (few do) will have a 180 day permit even with a pre-approved visa. In that case go to Aduana when your visa is issued and your TIP expires when your visa expires. Repeat when renewing for 3 years. Also note, if one has a travel letter, drives out and turns in their TIP, upon your return you will not receive a car permit and you will be leaving your car at the border. In San Miguel one goes to Aduana at the Queretaro airport. Those in PV and Riviera Nayarit go to Aduana at the PV airport. www.soniadiaz.mx
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