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Everything posted by dichosalocura

  1. Once you hit close to 80 Botox is a joke just like your posts are mostly a joke.
  2. Are these calls from your Telmex line or your US Magic Jack or Vonage? Cause we get tons of calls from Spectra and Indian scammers curiously named John wanting to repair our computer jaja.
  3. I remember reading a while back on this forum that someone will come to your house and pick up used appliances, repair them and then donate them to needy families. Does anybody know this guy and his number? Thanks.
  4. Would that be gringo loco or gringa loca?? Just joking Chica.
  5. Ok then she is a diffferent Carrol then. Thanks for the response.
  6. Youtube has about everything I care to see in the subject of documentaries and without the constant barrage of advertisements.
  7. They are saying now that any grocery store mushroom that you can eat is ok for dogs but the wild mushrooms that grow in your backyard or forest are the ones that are off limits. But since I have already been programed to think all mushrooms are bad I avoid them with my canine babies even though I love eating them myself.
  8. Are we talking about in Ajijic, San Antonio or in Chapala? Honestly just about any optical store should be able to do it.
  9. Colonia Americana could be an option since it has recently been considered the coolest barrio in the world. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/estados/2022/10/11/colonia-americana-de-guadalajara-distinguida-como-el-barrio-mas-cool-del-2022/&ved=2ahUKEwiOwc7il42CAxX8IUQIHUcUNPYQFnoECDkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Zqxy7PoTq3Zv4tudO_A4D
  10. Ok now it is pouring rain in Chapala centro. Hopefully it will continue throughout the night.
  11. Now it is starting to rain harder I wouldn't classify it as pouring but its a raining nicely. The garden should be happy.
  12. I can't speak for Brisas but in Chapala Centro it has been a consistent light sprinkle since 3:30 ish. Enough for an umbrella at least. But I wouldn't call it pouring quite yet. Hopefully tonight more will come.
  13. Does anybody know where a dry cleaners place is here in Centro de Chapala. Thanks.
  14. If you are talking about Telas La Central it is technically behind the bus statiion and kitty corner to it on Calle Juárez.
  15. I take it that the OP is talking about Taco Bell tacos not real Mexican tacos. Taco seasoning is super easy to mix up and probably much cheaper mixing it yourself. Just google to find a recipe. Taco shells can be usually found at Superlake, Panchos and Gourmet Garage. You can always use tostadas as an alternative.
  16. Years ago I read on this forum that you have to fill out the immigration form a certain way or you risk losing your permanente visa if it is done wrong. And the people at immigration won't always tell you if its done right or wrong. Its been a long time since we have traveled and I was just curious about current protocals. Thanks.
  17. There is an orthopedic store in Chapala on Degollado street across from the shoe repair shop.
  18. Natasha I lnow you are speaking truth but the cold and sharp responses are why this forum is slowly dying. Lets please try to keep it cordial for the benefit of all.
  19. I don't think the op was referring to the wintertime Monarch Sanctuaries but the local Monarch population here at Chapala. And I'll admit I haven't seen that many this season. I guess its time for everyone to plant some milkweed in their yards.
  20. First real rain happening right now starting at 11:40 pm in Chapala. Hopefully more will come.
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