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Everything posted by Ferret

  1. I believe that Emma's Delicatessen is on Traitte. It's faded out on my favourites list right now because it's closed. Put the Traitte app (it's in Google Play Store) on your cell phone and you can have bagels delivered right to your door.
  2. The last two totally cracked me up but, again, I am out of reactions and I've only used two since 11 pm last night. WHY are we restricted on reactions??????????????????????
  3. Can't believe that Linda Ronstadt didn't make that list. She's still selling records even though she can no longer perform due to Parkinsons. Then, there's the other list of all those who died before the age of 30 and even they still rock on. Great music will never die.
  4. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-war-on-woke-capital-is-backfiring/ar-BB1hxI3A?cvid=18ab6af59312455088b82cd4ce0fbd3d&ei=81
  5. Part and parcel of Rick's post from the 17th.
  6. It took you two weeks to come up with that reply?
  7. Most of us are over sixty-five and can't donate blood and you'd have to be really desperate to receive any of our organs (well used and probably abused)
  8. https://chapala-ink.negocio.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral
  9. It is better to lead by example than lay blame. Most of us are opposed to child labour as well but ALL developing countries have gone through that scenario and we have learned and rectified it. You can say you want NO child labour but does the child starve if it doesn't work? Lots of complexities in this world that need time to be worked out. Poco a poco un dia por un dia.
  10. That's because it's a three letter word and the search function doesn't work for three letter words. As Ibarra suggested, type in Accountant and you will see lots of past threads.
  11. Ski resorts don't make any money in the winter if there's no snow.
  12. Also get a quote from Go Solar on this forum. I did and am very happy with the unit he recommended for my needs which included both heat and AC.
  13. I don't blame them. And, for the record, I knew how much it was going to cost going in and I did not contest that charge. It was only on the way home to San Miguel that I found out my card had been compromised. We stopped in Leon at the Office Depot to purchase a toner cartridge for my printer and it was refused because the bank had put a hold on the card since all the purchases were unusual for me. I checked on line (painful in those days) and contacted TD immediately and we went from that point to sort out the mess.
  14. If a ski resort does not have extensive snow making capabilities, in this day and age, they are dead in the water. Blue Mountain in Ontario does but the season is shorter. Whistler/Blackcomb in BC has the most extensive snow making equipment in North America. I don't know how long the season is now but, in the past, I have skiied it from November 15th to the May long weekend. For sure, you were only skiing the top half of the mountain in May. Then played golf in the afternoon at the bottom. I watched the webcams for both just now. Both resorts are also summer destinations with golf courses and swimming. Ah, the good ole days!
  15. Walmart Ajijic has accepted my Canadian credit card since 2011. Smaller restaurants and stores do not. If I was going to pay a restaurant that accepts a credit card with a credit card, they would have to have the remote module that comes to the table so your card is never out of sight. Why? I used mine in PV to pay for a New Year celebration for four (early 2000's and we still lived in San Miguel de Allende) and it was cloned and used all over Mexico. It was the only thing that I charged on that trip and I had paid the card off before we left on the trip. A few months later, that restaurant (at the top of a tall building) was shut down by the authorities because a ring of credit card thieves operated out of it. Be careful where and how you use your credit card.
  16. I googled. There seem to be a lot of Spanish Sudoku books available in the first line of Sponsored ads. Which is showing that you should check both Amazon Mexico and Mercado Libre.... https://www.google.com/search?q=where+to+buy+sudoku+puzzle+books&sca_esv=601388725&source=hp&ei=1UqyZdDlM5WMur8PsM6ikAg&iflsig=ANes7DEAAAAAZbJY5cPzDt8I3epTlG7dtIB7UL9sWfCr&oq=Where+to+buy+Sudoku&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IhNXaGVyZSB0byBidXkgU3Vkb2t1KgIIBDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMggQABgWGB4YDzIIEAAYFhgeGA8yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeSLuAAVAAWIk_cAB4AJABAJgBaKABiQ6qAQQxNC41uAEByAEA-AEBwgILEC4YgAQYxwEY0QPCAgUQLhiABMICCBAuGIAEGNQCwgILEAAYgAQYigUYkgPCAggQABiABBjJAw&sclient=gws-wiz#ip=1 Mas facile usar tus dedos cuando estas buscando algo que tu auto.
  17. This was the start... She was a wonderful girl and Cora and I will miss her deeply. I lay on the floor with her at Ladron's clinic while she was receiving the injection and shed endless tears. She was with me for eight more years after her adoption. Her guesstimated age was about 4 when I got her. I know that she loved us as much as we loved her and she was the only dog I've had that wagged her tail while her tummy was being rubbed. She started with a cough about seven days ago and then coughed blood and wouldn't eat and didn't want to go walking with Richie. I really tried but she was very obviously suffering. RIP Ginny. Go find Bruce.
  18. 15% discount if paid in January or February. 5% discount if paid in March or April. If you have an INE card and are a senior, there is a 50% discount. Inapam cards do not get you that discount. https://paginaquesiselee.com/2024/01/08/sin-aumento-a-la-tarifa-habitacional-simapa-recibe-el-pago-de-los-contribuyentes/
  19. Well it was the drive home from hell for me. There were rivers running through Chapala plus glaring headlights reflecting off the water. White knuckle driving but at least it wasn't blowing snow in the dark.
  20. It happened from Jocotepec to the east side of Chapala which is where I was when it hit. We need the rain but it was a big surprise for me.
  21. If you live in Mexico full time, you need a Mexican driver's license. I have had no problems using it to rent cars in Canada when I visit there.
  22. Don't know but I doubt he can remove foot from mouth.
  23. Thanks Kiko. Out of reactions... AGAIN. Why is there a limit on reactions?
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