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Ferret last won the day on April 14

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About Ferret

  • Birthday 12/02/1951

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    Riberas del Pilar, Mexico

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  1. If you were born there... birth certificate If you became a citizen by immigration... then immigration documents Or... https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=how+to+find+out+if+you're+a+canadian+citizen+or+not#ip=1
  2. Depends on where you are going. If you're going to Canada, I recommend ManuLife. https://www.manulife.ca/personal/insurance/our-products/travel-insurance/visitors-to-canada.html Or these for travel elsewhere... https://www.consumersadvocate.org/travel-insurance/lp/travel-insurance-sem?pd=true&keyword=travel insurance reviews&gca_campaignid=15845243168&gca_adgroupid=141122918879&gca_matchtype=p&gca_network=g&gca_device=c&gca_adposition=&gca_loc_interest_ms=9032154&gca_loc_physical_ms=1010075&gca_creative=643008365517&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-JqR8uTJhQMV5watBh0zlQ7cEAAYAyAAEgKqo_D_BwE
  3. I doubt that you have lost your Canadian citizenship.
  4. I didn't understand this until I looked up what an HOV lane was. Never heard of it before. Now I know and LOL. https://www.transportation.gov/mission/health/High-Occupancy-Vehicle-Lanes
  5. That would be theft on the part of the U.S. government wouldn't it? I can see not being entitled to Medicare but Social Security is what the individual has paid into all their working life.
  6. Agree. Not reading the other sections of the forum is like only reading the first page of the newspaper.
  7. That's because a happy customer tells 5 people about their great experience and an unhappy customer tells a whole lot more (especially on social media forums).
  8. Check their website to find out. https://flights.flyflair.com/en-ca/flights-from-vancouver-to-guadalajara It would appear that they are offering round trip (and one way) flights all summer... Mondays and Fridays. Just flip the codes...These flights are not only a boone for us but also for travelling Tapatios.
  9. My Kindle Paperwhite is one of the originals and the cover is fraying and moth eaten looking. LOL. I have never downloaded directly to the Paperwhite. I always purchase and/or download free books directly to my laptop where they show up in the download file. Then I connect the Paperwhite to the laptop, highlight the file in the download section of the laptop and then right click to choose the "send to" option and choose the Paperwhite to send to. Maybe that's why I've never seen any ads on the Paperwhite?
  10. Bobby's old location? Then Janine's. I always loved the quirky ambience and gardens of that place.
  11. I just booked a Guadalajara flight to Toronto and return for September. I highly suggest that you use EDGE as your browser if you want it to be painless. Firefox was a royal P.I.T.A. and I could not get the website to work properly. Finally, a trip that won't take all day travelling or changing planes and/or terminals.
  12. Got one in. We'll see over the next few days.
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