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Founded in 1987
Hidalgo #223
Chapala, Jalisco,
Mexico 45900
Tels. (376) 5-2877,
Fax (376) 5-3528














August 2003

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There’s a point during the rainy season here when the new green......

Lake Watch
Mary, at Amigos del Lago, sends this along:
A few interesting things going on here. Aida Aguilar, Vice-President of Amigos del Lago......
The Lakeside Centerstage production, “Sinatra Forever,” is Sandy Vandermeer’s latest puppy......
Creative Lakeside
Local director Pat Varcoe has sent out a clarion call for auditioners for “In One Bed ...And Out The Other,” ......
Focus On Art
Treasure Hunt: Everyone in Ajijic seemed happy Sunday, June 20, the day of ASA’s popular summer Art Walk......
Active Lakeside
Fashion shows and fashion statements blossom all around us this month......
Around Town
Fun with Politics at the Minerva Circle......
Seen & Heard
* Coffee with Marie: I just caught this industrious friend in time for a brief summary of her latest endeavors......
Walking The Walk
Plans for the annual Red Cross fashion show are firming up nicely......
Past Lakeside Living